Albuquerque, N.M. – The New Mexico Activities Association is proud to announce the first of a three-part series of Officials’ Appreciation Weeks to honor and recognize the men and women who serve as interscholastic sports officials in the state of New Mexico.
The NMAA will be promoting one Officials’ Appreciation Week for each of its competitive seasons. Fall sports will be honored from October 30th through November 3rd for football, soccer and volleyball. Winter sports recognition will be from January 29th through February 2nd for basketball, spirit, swimming and wrestling. The final Officials’ Appreciation Week of the 2017-2018 school year will be April 23rd through April 27th for spring sports (baseball, softball and track and field).
The Association is taking the opportunity to thank the members of the New Mexico Officials Association and is encouraging its member schools to take part by participating in Officials Appreciation Week on their campuses. The NMAA understands the important role that officials play in the lives of student-athletes and reminds coaches, players and spectators that without officials, there can be no opportunities for participation in athletics by our student-athletes.
Follow Officials’ Appreciation Week on the NMAA Facebook and Twitter (#ThanksRef) pages.
For additional information pertaining to this release, please contact Dusty Young, NMAA Associate Director at (505) 977-5385 or [email protected].