In General News, Press Releases

ALBUQUERQUE, NM– The New Mexico Activities Association would like to highlight the following important information regarding the upcoming New Mexico National Guard State Wrestling Championships.

Official Championship Name:
New Mexico National Guard State Wrestling Championships

Championship Location:
Rio Rancho Events Center (Rio Rancho, NM)

Championship Dates:
Class 3A & 4A – Friday, February 18th
Class 5A & Girls – Saturday, February 19th

Championship Schedule:
Class 3A & 4A
Class 5A & Girls

Championship Brackets & Results:
Girls Brackets
Boys Brackets

*Tournament Brackets will be released at approximately 8pm on Monday, February 14th



Spectators may attend this event.  Face coverings are required, and social distancing should be maintained.

Tickets are available by day and can be purchased online only (NO CASH SALES).

Day Pass: $15.00       *day pass allows for in-and-out privileges
Adults: $10.00
Students / Seniors / Military: $5.00

Tickets Available Online ONLY via GoFan at

Live Video Stream:
All Matches – NFHS Network or Track Wrestling

*subscription required to access live video feeds

Additional Information Specific to Members of the Media:

  • WORKING media with a valid 2021-2022 NMAA Media Credential may cover the event. Only those outlets covering a specific school/athlete will be granted access.
  • Face coverings are required, and social distancing should be maintained while covering the event and/or conducting interviews.
  • There will not be a “hospitality room”.
  • The NMAA’s full media policy, which includes special guidelines pertaining to COVID-19 (Section 11 of the manual), can be accessed at the below link:

For additional information pertaining to this release, please contact Dusty Young, NMAA Associate Director at (505) 977-5385 or [email protected].

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