In General News, Press Releases

Laguna Acoma junior Tagoya Pedro plays baseball and basketball, but running is what he does best. “It started when I was little, I’ve been running since I was like in kindergarten,” said Pedro.  “It’s been a part of me my whole life.  I like the feeling of it, and working to reach all my goals and improving every year.  I really like running.”

On the track at the state meet, he swept the distance races, winning the 800m, 1600m, and 3200m events each of the last two years.  He took second at the cross-country state championships each of the last two seasons and is looking for that 1st place finish this fall. “This year, I’m working a lot on mileage,” he said.  “I’ve been putting in more miles than I did last year, and I think it’s been helping. I’ve recently done some runs where I ran way faster than I used to run.  Now I just have to work on speed and get my speed up.”

When it comes to training, his motto is no pain, no gain.  “Let it hurt,” he joked.  “I like pushing through the pain, it’s all going to come through in the end.  In the moment you feel like, ‘Oh man, this really hurts!’, but after you feel really good about it.”

The state cross country championships are scheduled for November 9th at Albuquerque Academy.

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