Education-based high school sports (sports administered by the high schools in your community) teach our children life lessons that can’t be taught in high school classrooms and often are not taught at home. Student-athletes emerge from participation in high school sports with more self-discipline, greater respect for rules, a better work ethic, more understanding and empathy for each other and an enduring appreciation for the values that will make them more productive, responsible citizens.
This year’s package of PSAs address topics as diverse as the physical and mental health of high school athletes, attendance at high school athletic events, the growing shortage of licensed high school officials and the value of participating in a sport or activity.
All of the PSAs have been created to communicate the value of high school sports to our community. Please download all six of them and rotate them on your station as often as possible. You could not be supporting a more worthy cause.
On behalf of the high schools in America, THANK YOU!
Download PSA’s
- The Humanity of High School Sports (:30 Sec)
- Get Back In The Game (:30 Sec)
- The Car Ride Home (:60 Sec)
- I Can (:30 Sec)
- Behind Office Doors (:60 Sec)
- Find Your Voice (:60 Sec)