The New Mexico Activities Association was formed in 1921 as a private/non-profit organization whose principle purpose is the regulation, direction, administration and supervision of interscholastic activities in the State of New Mexico. The NMAA prides itself in its leadership, providing educational and social experiences for the students and communities of New Mexico. The NMAA has taken a leadership role nationally in several areas, including sportsmanship, media relations, coaches preparation, corporate development and interscholastic activities.
The New Mexico Activities Association is comprised of New Mexico public, private and parochial middle/junior high and senior high schools that pay membership dues on an annual basis. Each senior high member school is placed into a competitive district according to their enrollment and geographic location for the purpose of conducting and managing NMAA sanctioned events within that district.
The Board of Directors has a minimum of four regularly scheduled meetings each year, while others may be called as deemed necessary by the Director and/or the Board President. These meetings are open to the public with “Roberts Rules of Order” used as procedure for the meetings. The Association’s Annual Meeting of the schools is held each in the Fall (end of September/beginning of October). Official voters and others come together to hear reports and discuss general business.
A comprehensive review of member school enrollment numbers is undertaken to determine classification and alignment for all sports. An average of 80-day enrollment count numbers (grades 9-12) for the second and third years prior to the start of a new block and the 40-day enrollment count numbers just prior to the start of a new block, are utilized to determine the enrollment figure for each school. All member schools are then placed in a classification by their enrollment average.
The Board is composed of thirteen voting members who direct the overall business of the NMAA. They are elected or appointed as follows:
Two superintendents/private school chief executive officers or headmasters are elected from each geographical region (A, B, C, D) of the NMAA alignment of schools. Four of these individuals are elected to represent small schools in each area, and four are elected to represent large schools in each area.
The Board also includes two appointed members, one from each of the two public school districts with the largest K-12 student enrollment in the state.
One member is appointed by the State School Boards Association for a one-year term and affirmed by the Board at its January meeting each year.
One member serves as an at-large representative and is appointed for a three-year term by the NMAA Board President and affirmed by the Board at the January meeting. The Chairperson of the Commission also serves as a member of the Board. The Commission is responsible for the oversight of sanctioned athletics/activities statewide, subject to the authorization granted by the Board. The Commission advises and recommends changes or amendments to NMAA policies, rules, regulations and operating procedures. Its membership is composed of fourteen voting members who are elected or appointed as follows:
- One member is elected from each area of the NMAA alignment of small member schools. One member is elected from each area of the NMAA alignment of large member schools. One member is elected from the non-public school members of the Association.
- One member is appointed by the National Association of Secondary School Principals, New Mexico Division One member is appointed by the State High School Athletic Directors Association.
- One member is appointed by the New Mexico State High School Coaches Association.
- One member is appointed by the NMAA Activities Council. One member is appointed by the State Officials Association
The Activities Council and Junior High/Middle School Committee are responsible for evaluating NMAA rules, regulations and procedures, providing input and making recommendations involving their area to the Commission.
Tournament revenues, member dues, and corporate sponsorships make up the revenue base of the NMAA.
Financial reports of the Association are audited every year by a Certified Public Accountant. Copies of the audited financial statements are provided to the State Education Agency.
The NMAA’s website,, is a current and effective source of information about the Association and its member schools. Scores, schedules, and a variety of other information is available on the website. The NMAA sends out a weekly video newsletter, via e-mail (Monday Morning News) highlighting the most important information pertaining to interscholastic activities in the coming weeks and months. For more information on the Monday Morning News, please contact NMAA Sports Information Director, J.P. Murrieta.
The NMAA also has various social media accounts with Facebook, Twitter/X and Instagram, which also provides valuable information. The NMAA 24/7 App is another way fans can keep updated on information, including scores and schedules of thier favorite teams/school.
The NMAA office is located at 6600 Palomas Avenue NE, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87109. The Board employs the Director who is supported by Associate Directors, Assistant Directors and various other support staff to assist in the administration of the Association.